


Chaepani is Theater as a way of education! It is a collective space at Kolkata, India, that fosters an interdisciplinary approach towards expressions and communication through forms like theatre, film & visual design. Its mission is to close the gap between mainstream education and theater and, in the process, develop a new mode of education with performance as its axis.

You can find more information at our facebook page!

Captura de pantalla 2017-06-26 a la(s) 11.38.14Teatrotaller, (Spanish for “Theater-workshop”), was founded in 1993 by a group of enthusiastic and energetic students in the Cornell campus.  With the idea of preserving and promoting Spanish, Latin American and Latino cultures through theater, Teatrotaller has devoted itself to the production of plays in Spanish and “Spanglish.”  Now,over twenty years later, Teatrotaller holds a well earned reputation for excellence in artistic performances. Teatrotaller has also performed internationally in Leige, Belgium; Puebla, Chiapas, and Mexico City, Mexico; Jerusalem; Quito, Ecuador and Toronto, Canada as well as locally (New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia).

You can find more information at our web page!

Captura de pantalla 2017-06-26 a la(s) 11.38.36¡CULTURA! The CULTURA Ithaca program aims to provide and strives to foster and share Latina/o & Latin American culture with the Tompkins County community through free and low-cost arts and education experiences.  With the leadership of Carolina Osorio Gil, Latina/o Studies Engagement Coordinator, community members and students bring events into the community and build connections to its exciting and diverse Latino roots that explore different Latina/o cultures through storytelling, music, dance, art, theater and more. CULTURA Ithaca also provides programming that focuses on civic engagement and education on subjects like finances, health, legal issues and more. CULTURA’s downtown office, located in the Tompkins County Workers Center on the 2nd Floor of Autumn Leaves Used Bookstore on the Commons, acts as a resource center and gathering space for Latin@s and amig@s to come together and is the site of the Cafe con CULTURA coffee and Spanish conversation hour.

You can find more information at our web page and our facebook page!

Cultura Ithaca webpage

“Conflict and violence have forcibly displaced 60 million people worldwide, over 38 million of whom are internally displaced, and 19 million refugees”.